The Latest from Seen and Heard: IDD Community

It has been a long and difficult month for many in our community. We are dedicated to remaining a safe place for everyone to share their stories.

Black woman with IDD talks about growing up in Civil Rights Era

We have shared so many incredible resources this month. Here are just a few:

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more great videos! Follow us on FacebookInstagram, and TikTok.

#BlackHistoryMonth #TransRights #IndependentLiving #IDD #Neurodiversity

The Latest from Seen and Heard: IDD Community

Happy New Year! We hope you are having a great start to your year. We have been working very hard and will be bringing you new videos soon.

Woman who reached the top of a mountain celebrating

We have been sharing the voices of our friends.

We posted an inspiring blog about setting goals.

We shared about joining LinkedIn to meet other self-advocates.

We posted about AI helping those who use Braille.

We shared some ideas on how to get through the hard winter days.

We posted about changes to Medicaid.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more great videos! Follow us on FacebookInstagram, and TikTok.

#NewYearNewMe #Medicaid #SetGoals #IDD #Neurodiversity

The Latest from Seen and Heard: IDD Community

The year is almost over. We have worked very hard this year. We are so thankful for you. Let’s make next year great!

two mugs of hot chocolate in front of a fire in fireplace

We shared two Spanish videos.

Myths About Attraction En Español

  • Paz shares myths about attraction.
  • Paz comparte mitos sobre la atracción.

Why Consent is Important En Español

  • Paz talks about sexuality education.
  • Paz habla sobre educación sexual.

We shared post from the Arc.

We shared our favorite part of the holiday season.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more great videos! Follow us on FacebookInstagram, and TikTok.

#EnEspañol #SexualityEducation #EducaciónSexual #IDD #Neurodiversity

The Latest from Seen and Heard: IDD Community

We hope you had a great Thanksgiving. We are ready to have a great end to the year. Check out all of the amazing things we have been working on.

Avatar of a person with spanish writing in the captions.

We shared two Spanish videos.

No consent En Español

  • Paz shares about a time they did not give consent.
  • Paz comparte una experiencia en la que no dio su consentimiento.

Why Consent is Important En Español

  • Paz shares about consent.
  • Paz habla sobre el consentimiento.

We celebrated Trans Awareness Month..

We talked about making friends. Do you have any advice on making friends?

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more great videos! Follow us on FacebookInstagram, and TikTok.

#EnEspañol #Consent #Consentimiento#IDD #Neurodiversity

The Latest from Seen and Heard: IDD Community

We hope you had an amazing October. Check out what we have been doing!

Man with glasses.

We shared:

Self Care

  • James remembers feeling mad.
  • He reminds us to be kind to ourselves.


  • James talks about trying to find a soulmate.
  • He talks about how it is scary to meet new people.

We celebrated World Mental Health Day. We also talked about autistic burnout.

We talked about learning from your mistakes. Did you ever learn something after a big mistake? We would love to hear your input.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more great videos! Follow us on FacebookInstagram, and TikTok.

#Soulmates #SupportSystem #BeBrave #SelfCare #IDD #Neurodiversity

The Latest from Seen and Heard: IDD Community

Fall is here! We are excited to share our latest videos with you!

Man with glasses.

We shared:

Looking back

  • James has struggled to forgive his younger self for not reporting his assault.
  • He shares things that helped him to heal.

Families Talking to Children

  • James gives helpful advice to parents on how to support their kids.
  • He shares ways to make them feel safe to speak up.

We talked about challenges. What do you struggle with that seems easy for others? We would love to hear your input.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more great videos! Follow us on FacebookInstagram, and TikTok.

#Reporting #SelfAdvocacy #SafeSpace #SpeakUp #IDD #Neurodiversity

The Latest from Seen and Heard: IDD Community

We have been working hard all summer. Did you see our new videos?

Man with glasses in front of the white house

We shared:

Raising Awareness

  • James explains why it is important to talk about sexual assault.
  • He talks about how lawmakers can help.

Feeling Unsafe Without Consent

  • Brandy shared about a friend who was touched without consent.

This month, for Wonder Wednesday, we are looking for your feedback. What have you learned from our Facebook page? We would love to hear your input.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more great videos! Follow us on FacebookInstagram, and TikTok.

#Vote #IDD #SexualAssault #ConsentMatters #Respect #SpeakUp

The Latest from Seen and Heard: IDD Community

Summer is flying by! We have been celebrating Disability Pride Month. We shared two videos.

We shared:

Getting and Giving Consent

  • Brandy tells how to give consent in a kind and clear way.
  • She talks about why consent is important.

Why consent is important

  • Paz talked about an assault.
  • They did not give permission to be touched.
  • Paz talks about how talking to a friend made them feel better.

Did you see our Wonder Wednesday post? We shared myths about people with IDD and romance. Check out the post on our Facebook page to see what people had to say.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more great videos! Follow us on FacebookInstagram, and TikTok.

#ConsentMatters #Respect #Pride #DisabilityPrideMonth #Neurodiversity #IDD #txcdd

The Latest from Seen and Heard: IDD Community

How is it the end of June already? It has been a whirlwind of a month. We had an amazing time celebrating Pride month and sharing videos.

Young woman with glasses.

We shared:

Why is consent important?

  • Paz talked about consent.
  • They shared about getting hugs when they did not want them.

Myths about Relationships

  • Brandy explains that some families feel uncomfortable with people with IDD having relationships.
  • She shared that people with IDD have the same desires and feelings as everyone else.

Did you see our Wonder Wednesday post?  Why do you think being our real selves around others is hard? Have you ever had that feeling? We would love to hear more. You can share on our Facebook or Instagram page.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more great videos! Follow us on FacebookInstagram, and TikTok.

#RespectEachOther #Consent #Pride #BeYourself #Neurodiversity #IDD #txcdd

Don’t Miss Us in DC!

Great news! We are excited to tell you about our upcoming talk at the NACDD Annual Conference in Washington, DC. We have been working hard on our Participatory Action Research project, and it has been a big success!

Cynthia Burrow and James Meadours will speak about hiring people with IDD to work on projects about their lives. We will also share free tools for people who come to our session.

Our session is called, “Empowering Self-Advocates to Lead.” It will take place on Wednesday, July 24, at 2:30 PM at the Capital Hilton. Learn more here.

#ParticipatoryActionResearch #Neurodiversity #IDD